Mickey Mouse Enters Public Domain

Izzy Poisel ’27
Staff Writer
All of us remember seeing a form of Mickey Mouse in our childhood, it is practically an inevitable experience. From his debut in 1928, he has become a notable icon for children everywhere and throughout history. Among many other icons in Disney history, like Winnie-the Pooh and Sherlock Holmes, the original edition of Mickey Mouse has become public domain as of January 1st, 2024.
As you may know, Disney made a point to obtain a copyright license. Since this is a creative work, the copyright would remain in place for around 95 years. In his debut film, Steamboat Willie, the first rendition – the very same that will enter public domain – is featured. Though legally, the original rendition of Mickey Mouse is now fair use, we can expect that Disney will create a fuss and find any way it can to put a stop to uses of Mickey that they deem inappropriate in due time.
In 2022, Mickey Mouse’s good friend, Winnie-the-Pooh, entered public domain. This created a weird precedent for other lovable characters entering public domain. Upon Pooh bear’s entry, a horror movie was immediately announced featuring this character. For audiences, it may be shocking to discover their favorite childhood characters becoming main characters in this season’s hottest horror movies. Though Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey was an allegedly low budget movie that did not end up with great viewer turnout or good reviews period, it carved the path for instincts of creative individuals when given access to lovable characters. And, by the way, if you somehow enjoyed the first movie, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 is hitting audiences this March, so keep your eyes open.
Keeping with this horrific theme, plans to make the original rendition of Mickey Mouse a horror icon were dropped earlier this year. As consumers, we can expect a huge rush of Steamboat Willie content, including movies and even video games. However, keeping with the theme of making horror movies of characters as soon as legally possible, Mickey’s Mouse Trap is a horror film centered around a Mickey Mouse style murderer that is expected this March.